Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

superman hoams♥

Hai, in this post i'll tell you a little character about my superman.
Oke, His name is Gustama fauzan akbar. I call him with Tama. An adorable boy,
Am i have told you before? I met him on twitter, ofco i've told you before hehe.
I never meet him before, but this relationship and the distance between us has existed since 1year ago.
I'm proud to be yours:-)
Awalnya sih engga tertarik sama sekali sama kamu muihihi:b
don't care, selfish, sok jual mahal lagi, errrrr.

He loves sleep more than he loves me, a little selfish, easily get jealous, can't handle his emotions damn i really hate when he was hit by emotions and can make me cry, but it means he love me so much,
although we never meet before but i believes we are a perfect couple, tapiiiiiiiiii jaraknya itu lo hoams.
oh yaa, he loves spoke hoams, dan nular deh ke aku-_,- a little maudlin, like me hehe. His eyebrow is adorable thick<3 like football so much, Hala madrid! Anak futsal:3 can plays guitars, His smile is so adorable cute! ah jadi kangen:-( Can makes me smile when i'm sad, my moodbooster and sometimes he is my moodbreaker. Ah! you're my sunshine in the morning and my stars at the night:))
i adore you more than before
I'm proud to be yours
I'm yours and always be yours, hihi.
Promise me someday you'll meet me, promise me you never let me go and promise me you never leave me alone, although (amit-amit) we broke up our relationship.
Someday we can meet, i believes it. So please keep your heart. It's mine and always be mine no matter what happens to us tomorrow. am i selfish? i don't care.
never planned that one day, i'd be losing you.
Tulang rusuk gabakal ketuker, jodoh gabakal kemana.
kyaaa!! Really thanking God he was Mine.
your future women.